How does shipping work?

We ship with USPS’s First Class parcel service. In the US, shipping typically takes 2 to 5 business days from the time shipping occurs to be delivered. Tracking is always included. Packages totaling $200 or more will require a signature upon delivery of the package at no extra cost, to ensure the package is received safely. Insurance is always available upon request for an extra fee. Priority Mail is also available upon request for an extra fee.

International shipping is not currently offered by default; however, we are happy to ship internationally upon request. USPS does not offer full tracking on First Class international packages; therefore, Priority Mail international packages may be a safer choice, but will cost more to ship. Please email us at merfolkjewels@gmail.com to explore your international shipping options and request a quote.

We are not responsible for packages once they have been marked as accepted by USPS. We are unable to control a package’s route or delivery once it is in USPS’s hands.

I saw an item on your homepage/on social media/in promotional material that I want to buy, but I can’t find it for sale in your shop. Why?

Due to the nature of the products that we sell, our stock changes constantly. Many pieces are vintage or antique and discovered by sheer luck, and others are ordered from manufacturers as one-offs or in very small batches. This means that many things we sell are the only ones of their kind - so if you see something you love, go for it now while you have the chance!

Do you make the jewelry you sell?

No - Merfolk Jewels is a curated collection of vintage and antique jewelry. The jewelry has been sourced from all over - estate and garage sales, independent sellers, antique stores, you name it! All items are inspected and researched to ensure the highest level of product quality and information accuracy available.

Every piece has been scratch tested with appropriate jewelers’ acid to determine metal content. For more information on how our jewelry is inspected, please visit our “Read Before Buying” page.

Any other questions?

Email us using the form on our contact page or send us a direct message on Instagram @merfolkjewels - we’re always happy to answer any additional questions you may have!